Autumn colour is fleeting and unpredictable. The peak period only lasts a few weeks and a storm can bring it to a quick end. You really need to get out as often as possible to make the most of it. One of the trips I made was to Tarn Hows, a lake (or tarn, as such things are called in Cumbria) hidden away in the low hills and woods just north of Coniston. I hadn’t been there before so I was taking a chance but the terrain looked promising on the map. In fact it was two tarns for the price of one, the other called Yew Tree Tarn and being right next to the main road to Coniston.
The colours and the weather didn’t disappoint. I was particularly lucky that there wasn’t a breath of wind, which can be a real problem when you’re trying to take pictures of foliage.
Anyway, here are the results, I hope you enjoy them.
Pictures taken with both the Olympus OMD-EM10 and Pentax K20D.