A mountain wild camp made easy. An overnight trip sleeping out on top of Border End in the Lake District with magnificent views of Eskdale, the Scafells and the Duddon Valley but with little in the way of effort – apart from negotiating traffic on the switchbacks of Hardknott pass.
The best views of Scafell are to be had from lower Eskdale. This has the big advantage of letting you park several hundred metres above sea level and saving a lot of leg work to get to your chosen vantage point. A short climb from the top of Hardknott pass and you get to Border End, a very minor top with some nice rocks and an absolutely brilliant view all around.

Border End summit cairn
I had planned based on the angles of sunset and sunrise and how this would light up the mountain faces. I knew that sunset wouldn’t favour the view of the Scafells but very much hoped for clear air in the morning. This wasn’t to be but I still managed to get some nice sunset shots.

My wild camp on border end looking to Harter Fell and the Duddon Valley
My bed for the night was wonderfully situated. I had good weather and a full moon and should have been happy but I’d managed to choose a lumpy spot. I could have moved but once you’re inside a bivvy bag you really don’t want to get out again, it takes so much effort to get in in the first place.
Some of the shots show the worth of shooting after the sun has dipped below the horizon. To the naked eye it seems simply dark but the half hour after sunset has beautiful mauves, purples, pinks and blues that the camera can see.