In response to the WordPress Daily Post challenge Names

I wasn’t looking for names today. I just came across it by accident. I went out chasing the sunset at a beauty spot outside Macclesfield called Tegg’s Nose. It’s a high spot right on the edge of the Peak District escarpment and faces out across the Cheshire plain with amazing views. Shooting conditions were “challenging”, with very high winds making it difficult to stand up straight, let alone hold the camera still. I walked around the hill looking for the best views and some shelter. On the lee side I found this piece of industrial heritage next to an abandoned gritstone quarry.

The blue machine is obviously a crane. The smaller cream/white machine is a stone cutting saw. The shapes and colours would make an ideal subject for an introductory photography workshop group but it was the name that caught my eye. I didn’t have anything to submit for this week’s Daily Post challenge and this was a very obvious candidate.
There’s a fair bit of information on-line about John Smith, Makers, Keighley. Just put that into Google and you’ll get some interesting results. The particular machine seen here is intended to cut large blocks of gritstone into thin slabs. It wasn’t originally sited here but someone (the council perhaps) has gone to the expense of installing this machinery by the quarry here as a sort of museum installation piece.