Lingmoor Fell and Bowfell
I’ve been all around this area of the Lake District for many years and thought I knew it well but there is a square mile in the middle that I’ve overlooked and turns out to contain treasure.
The only other time I visited Holme Fell was in summer some years ago and it was a wilderness of ankle-breaking rocks and chest high bracken. The weather and light weren’t encouraging that day and I never went back. I’ve seen a number of shots from other photographers that suggested it was worth another go. It is without doubt a landscape photographer’s paradise.

Fairfield from Holme Fell
In the past I’ve usually flitted around from one location to another – Yorkshire Dales one week, Wales the next, and so on. For the past several weeks I’ve been changing tactics and visiting the same place repeatedly to try and get the best from it. I think so far I’ve only made a small dent.
There are great panoramic views of the southern lakeland fells – Fairfield and Helvellyn, the Langdale Pikes, Bowfell, Wetherlam and Coniston. There’s a great view of the head of Coniston Water. On a clear day you can easily see Ingleborough over in the Yorkshire Dales.
Then there are the slate mining remnants and the quarry (I should say – The Quarry – it’s certainly impressive enough to be capitalised). In autumn it’s a wonderful golden mix of broadleaf and larch with plenty of shapely silver birch which will carry on being photogenic when bare in winter.

I’ve now had four trips, each of which has produced some good shots – five if you count the Tarn Hows trip I reported a couple of posts ago, Tarn Hows being right next door if you will. I still don’t think I’ve got the best out of it. I also think from now on I might repeat this tactic of concentrating on small areas for prolonged periods.